ANDRYL Testimonials
Andrew is a highly driven, passionate leader. I have seen him build a great team around him, and embrace the latest technology available to improve and develop and market the ministry he’s been involved in. I’m not quite sure which came first, social media or Andrew Pitchford. He turned a hobby into a strategic arm to the radio ministry. He is an avid researcher and communicator of what he has learned after sifting the wheat from the chaff. He is a great team player and calming influence in times of stress. Andrew is multi faceted in his abilities and very much a hands on operator from broadcasting, sales, desktop publishing, and he’s on the mark when it comes to information technology leading the way for other to follow. Andrew set out to show us just how fast many “social media websites” have sprung up in the last 10 years, and the impact it is having on our daily lives. A speaker like Andrew could be an asset to other Rotary Clubs, as they seek to get on top of this amazing trend in our communications. Andrew displays talents in many areas. He thinks and plans strategically as well as having good attention to detail. As a GM, Andrew has always shown himself to be astute and tuned in to the needs of UCB International and broadcasting/New Media in general. He is a proactive lateral thinker with tremendous strategic insight in the New Media industry. I have just attended a conference where Andrew presented on social media and emerging technologies. I have to say that I have never been to more informative presentations. Andrew presents in such a way that if you are just a beginner, or have already started dabbling, there is a lot for you to take away. His personal devotion to all things new in the technical world of “Geek” enable him to stay abreast of these changes and ensure we don’t get left too far behind the rest of the pack. Andrew is an excellent communicator and social media entrepreneur, among his many other talents! He encourages solid teamwork, drives others to think outside the box and has passion and enthusiasm that others find contagious.